Friday, December 20, 2013

Best Transformation Ever

She won $1000 of my money plus a 3-year TT membership for what you're about to see...
...and she did it all in just 12 weeks while using Turbulence Training. As did all four of our $1000 grand prize TT contest winners announced here:
Here's what is even more important. You can win my money in our next contest starting on December 26th (Boxing Day as we call it up here in Canadia). Plus, there is one brand NEW category being announced. Click on the photos below to go to the winners page and to read the contest rules.
The contest is FREE. You do NOT need to buy anything. Learn more here.
Listen, there is someone in the contest that was just like YOU, and they transformed...all ages, both genders, EVERY life situation.
You CAN do it. YOU can succeed. We are here to help you.
Our next contest starts the day after Christmas.
You can achieve these results too.

$1000 winner in Women's Over 40!         2nd place in Men's Under 40
And get ready to start your personal transformation in the next contest, anywhere from Dec. 26th to Jan. 15th <= First and last days to enter
You don't have to wait until January 1st to change your life.
Have a Merry Christmas,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS - Struggling?
Learn from your mistakes and then stop dwelling on them. Stay positive. Keep moving. Take action.
Never give up on what is truly important to you.
The trick is to know what REALLY matters. Put your energy there.
Be an Action-Taker that plays up a level by surrounding yourself with the best people you can - and yes, that means by connecting with positive people on the Turbulence Training Facebook page. It works!
Keep on pushing on. Share your success with others. Build others up, it will only make you more successful.

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Best Ever?? Dang that's a huge responsibility to live up to. Good thing I'm up to the Challenge!!!

    Thanks again!! TT rocks!!
