Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Leaning Back Workout of Pisa

Today we drove to Pisa. Did a workout at a local gym (low rows, pullups, underhand pulldowns, KB swings).

Side note: I don't get the obsession with Technogym equipment. I despise it. Yet it's everywhere. What am I missing?

Then we went to the Leaning Tower and I did the obligatory "holding up the tower" pose. Will post on FB later this week.

Pisa is otherwise a rundown town. Not much going on there.

Here's a cool bodyweight workout I did the other night:

Tonight we had an amazing wild boar ragout with chocolate sauce. Seriously. Hard to explain.

It was great, but as a couple of my friends said, it would probably have been better without the fancy chocolate sauce.

Also, mashed potatoes with raisins in it...interesting.

I usually lose weight while I travel, but this trip might be the exception. We'll see next sunday when I get home.

Tomorrow we are off for 3 fun events:
1) sausage making
2) pasta making
3) an afternoon truffle hunt

I'm really hoping to stumble across smurf village instead, but apparently you can get $5000 for a big truffle. Those things are highly prized!

Wild boar meat, red pepper olive oil, and Prosecco have been my 3 favorite discoveries on this trip (in addition to live Italian soccer - which is absolutely insane).

Also looking forward to driving Ferraris from Florence to Siena on Friday,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

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