Monday, October 21, 2013

bodyweight workout

I was angry. So I took it out on my legs with a hard-core bodyweight workout in my hotel room.
But it nearly didn't happen.
I was late. And I don't like getting off my schedule. But because of a late night and an incredible and very busy Sunday (details below) in Florence, I overslept this morning.
Grrr. It kept me from writing the book chapter I wanted to work on. It cut into my meditation time. And it stopped me working on your new November TT Workout of the Month.
I started with my "old-man warm-up". I was moving slow. I wasn't motivated.
Then something kicked in. I thought about how hard you and other TT readers workout, and the results you get, and so it was time to kick it up.
So I did:
- 10 rounds of 20-10 Prisoner Squats
- 4 rounds of 20-10 Pushups
- 100 Lunges (alternating sides)
- 5 rounds of 20-10 Total Body Extensions
If you like this circuit, you can do full bodyweight-only workouts with me on video.
It's pouring rain here, and you almost need an ark to get around. Roads are flooded. One of our tours was cancelled because of a washed-out bridge.
But yesterday we went to an insane soccer game. I'd never been to anything like that before. Intense!
Italy is as wonderful as everyone said it would be.
And it's nice to be out of the gym and sticking to bodyweight exercises only.
Train hard but safe,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS - I wrote this while on a wine tour at the vineyard that makes Chianti Classico (my good friend Flavia Del Monte's favorite winer).
It's cleared up a little and I'm going to go back into Florence to walk around.
Until my next workout update, join me on these workout videos:

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