Thursday, October 17, 2013

Friday Deadline for TT Trainer Certification Discount

By the time you read this I should be over the Atlantic Ocean on my way to...
...Frankfurt, Germany, and after a short layover, to my final destination of Florence, Italy. I'm heading there on a work/holiday trip. On Sunday afternoon I'll be going to my first Serie A game between Fiorentina and Juventus, and I'm pretty excited about this.
But when I'm on airplanes I tend to do something naughty. It's a bad habit, and it's similar to what too many people do in the gym when they do "the worst ab exercise ever".
And that naughty habit I have is slouching - rounding my back - as I sit.
That kills your back. That's why crunches and sit-ups are terrible for you.
Most people don't understand this. Just yesterday on Facebook I was asked, "I know you have said forward flexing ab exercises are bad - what about isometric style in a flexed position - like a v-sit? also bad?"

Yes, it still compresses the intervertebral discs.
So avoid:
- Crunches, sit-ups, v-sits, etc. <= worst ab exercises ever
- Sitting with slouched low back posture
- Rounding your back when you lift weights or pick up stuff off the ground
Please be careful with your low back.
If you have a bad back, get relief here:
Fix your back pain for good <= and get my BONUS workouts below 
Stay strong in your core,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS - Today is the last day for this SUPER-CHEAP program...
...I can't believe they are practically GIVING away this information. It's so much cheaper - and better - than a visit to a doctor, chiropractor, or massage therapist - or buying pills, potions, and powders to treat your aching back.
Plus, I'll give you these Bulletproof Core Training programs to help you lose fat, improve your ab strength, protect your low back, and even get six pack abs. This is one of the best deals of the year in the fitness industry.
Get this back pain solution immediately - Price DOUBLES tonight
When you get Rick's program, just email us for these bonuses at:
And never forget:

"If you want something you've never had, you must do something you've never done."

Stay strong!

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