Thursday, October 17, 2013

Congrats to New CTT Trainers!

Hey, bad news...
...there are just 7 spots remaining at the TT Certification event that is happening on Friday, Nov. 8th and Saturday, Nov. 9th.
Plus, the price increases by $300 tomorrow night. 
It's a double deadline.
Wait, make that a TRIPLE deadline.
This is the ONLY TT Certification weekend planned in 2013, and your only chance to get ahead of the competition for the January Fitness Gold Rush.
Don't miss your chance to beat your competition and get TT Certified.
Reserve your spot and become a better trainer so that you can get more clients and faster results, and make more money helping others.
Help change lives today,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS - There are only 7 spots left and the price jumps by $300 on Friday.
Take advantage of the Early Bird Fast Action Taker bonus today.
Action Takers RULE the World.
PPS - What else do you get besides the TT Summit when you become TT Certified?
You'll get immediate access to:
- Every TT workout I've ever created (including ALL Bootcamp manuals)
- DVDs and online video access to the original TT Certification seminar
- FREE access to the 2014 TT Summit
- Advanced Fat Loss Program Design and Client Attraction Secrets
- Monthly Done-For-You Marketing Materials like postcards, email sequences,
  Transformation Blueprints and more, all PROVEN to help you get more clients
- All TT workout videos (including many new videos coming in 2014)
- The TT Forum (where you'll connect with other TT Trainers)
- And a very cool "goodie bag" sent to you in the mail (featuring some sweet
Turbulence Training swag and a special life-changing book

Here's to you becoming a TT Certified Trainer. See you soon.
You'll leave the weekend FULLY TT Certified. But hurry...there is only room for 20 trainers, and the seat are filling up fast (12 spots are already taken.)
Plus, the Early Bird discount ends FRIDAY NIGHT, and price increases by $300.
And YES, as a TT Trainer, you'll get to attend the life-changing TT Summit for FREE in 2014 - and for every year that you stay TT Certified - saving you another $497.
The TT Summit and Certification will change your life. We're dedicated to helping you get more clients and make more money - and get those clients even better results in less time than ever.


  1. Great Article. I also love how you put a mini workout in there ... I did it. Amazing how just 10 minutes of work can get your blood going and make you feel revitalized. Thanks and enjoy!
