Monday, July 01, 2013

Poem from Bally the Dog

Happy Canadia Day!

I'm off for a nice holiday #Meathead workout of Military Press, Shrugs, and Meathead Arms. I might do this at the YMCA or in the garage using kettlebells and TRX straps. Not sure. Will train in an hour. Depends on the weather, I think.

One of the big benefits of being Canadian and doing business with a lot of Americans is that you get a double holiday in May and July when Americans celebrate Memorial Day and July 4th. It's a double holiday because Canadians enjoy a relaxed pace of business on those days (well, at least I do), and we also get our own holidays a few days before the American dates (we celebrate the Monday before Memorial Day and Canada Day on July 1st).

That makes this an excellent week for me to get a lot of writing and workout prep done because I'll be receiving far fewer business emails. There's really only two business days this week - July 2nd and 3rd.

But while business will slow down, my health experiments are speeding up. You can read more about my Diet Depletion challenge - and the grocery list that goes with it - here:


And here's some motivation to keep you going. It's a poem, originally created by Bally the Dog, but stolen by me to give to you:

You've made the decision,
You believe in yourself,
You'll keep on pushing,
You'll improve your health.

You'll fix your bad habits,
You'll change your old ways,
You'll never give up,
You'll achieve better days!

I'm right here with you,
I believe in you too,
I know WE can do this,
This is what we do!
- Dr. Ballanseuss

Stay strong!

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
Hard work is good and honourable. Make it a great hard working week! “The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained in sudden flight but, while their companions slept, they were toiling upwards in the night.” ― Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Get stronger,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - A business article for you:

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