Tuesday, July 02, 2013

4-minute workout for July 4th

You know why I love this week?
Because thanks to July 1st (Canadia Day) and July 4th (Independence Day), I feel like I get TWO holidays in one week. Yesterday was my official holiday (spent BBQ-ing out on the farm) and Thursday (and Friday) will feel like a holiday because so many of my fitness colleagues will be taking those days off.
I hope you're going to have an amazing holiday weekend, no matter where you are in the world.
Holidays bring CLOSED gyms. So here's your solution...a 4-minute, NO-equipment, bodyweight workout you can do anytime, anywhere.
And if you like that, you can celebrate your "Independence Day" from the gym with over a dozen more 4-minute workouts and six of my 6-Minute 6-Pack Abs follow-along workout videos here.
It doesn't matter if you're a man or woman, beginner or advanced, you'll get dozens of workouts that will challenge your fitness levels and help you burn fat all day long - even from SHORT workouts.
That's the power of the Home Workout Revolution System. Want more PROOF? Here are just a few of the Home Workout Revolutionary Success Stories...
"I just finished up the Home Workout Revolution 12 week program. Really enjoyed it. I'm really happy with the fat loss I was able to get during that time. I felt like my diet was pretty good but not great. I'm still working on that. I don't know how much bf% I lost during that time, but I would guess 5-6%. My starting weight was 162 lbs and my ending weight was 154 lbs. So I lost 8 pounds in 12 weeks while maintaining my muscle and toning. Overall I'm really happy." - Jim Talbert

"Being a busy working mom I don't have a lot of time to work out or go to the gym. I tried many other DVD workouts but can never stick with it because of the length of the program. Additionally, in most cases I had to exercise almost every day and I thought where is my life. But when started the Home Workout Revolution workouts my muscles were sore but I loved it. I am into my 2nd week of performing the exercises and I already have some definition in my thighs and abs. I lost 4lbs last week too. I look forward to doing these exercises because of the variation in length; they are not long and I feel as if I worked out for an hour and the fact that you are there sweating it out with me. I intend to continue until the 12 weeks are up and beyond that because they truly rock. I am can't wait to to show off my new body after 12 weeks. Thanks Craig, you are a life saver." - Annmarie from Trinidad

"Well done. Seriously good stuff, this is the best product of yours that I've seen. Great video, well-shot, great exercises, great energy. In fact, I just arrived to Ecuador after a 5+ hour flight, and didn't have time for the gym this morning. So I just popped into your HWR site and did:
1) Punisher Iso X
2) First half of 5 Rounds of 5
3) First half of Bodyweight Super Sets
No joke... I was smoked. Great stuff." - Simon Black, world traveler

"CB, As a public management professional, my time is at a premium. With all if the services I'm responsible for delivering on a daily basis and all the voices demanding more and more, I've little time for myself or my family. I've always been able to find time for my wife and children. She's a medical professional who commutes and works at least 3 days a week. My children are ages 6, 3 and 20 months old. As you can probably imagine, this time in their lives is not only incredibly fun but time consuming as well. It's the "me time" that's been hard to come by. The HWR systems have been one of the best investments I've made in pursuit of my fitness goals. I'm left with no excuses when some workouts take - literally - less than 15 mins. I know I can get a great workout in that amount of time and that I'm not feel shortchanged. Plus, they're extremely enjoyable. Thank you for such great product." - Josh Jones

"I've been using the Home Workout Revolution program for a few weeks now and have to say that I'm seriously impressed. There is such a wealth of quality information and workouts included with this program. The emphasis on good form during the exercises is making a big difference to my training and the videos provide much needed motivation when training solo. I've recently started my own business so time is an issue but with this system there are no excuses! It fits in great with my other training too (hills sprints, kettlebells, etc) and I also use some of the exercises for a functional warm-up in my martial arts sessions. The program is great value for money and one of the best investments I've made in my fitness training." - Andy Goodwin

"A Long Time Ago, I was looking for a way to workout, while being a stay at home mom, with young kiddos and not a lot of money! I found you and the Home Workout Revolution, and the answer to keeping me motivated (my most favorite part): THE VIDEOS!!! I love working out with you and your certified TT team! I think I am enjoying this program even more than before, because In LESS TIME, my body is completely worked out, all at home, with one set of weights. And watching the videos is like getting a personal trainer to come to my home 3 times a week, to help me work out and motivate me to keep going! So far, I've only lost 3 of the 20lbs I need to take off, but I'm sure that if I keep with the training I will soon see some AWESOME Results! Thanks Craig!" - Michelle Hays
I want YOU to be a success story too...and to enjoy more results from faster workouts. Let's do it. Let's celebrate your independence from the gym, from long workouts, and from expensive equipment. 
Take a holiday from the gym but keep on burning fat,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS - You know why these short workouts work?
Because they dramatically boost a single fat-burning hormone in your body.
I'll tell you more about that tomorrow, and give you a longer fat burning bodyweight circuit for you too. 
Because I know you'll want one to burn off all of those July 4th burgers and ice cream.
Stay tuned for an awesome workout tomorrow!

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