Friday, July 12, 2013

Diet Depletion Meals and 21-day plan

Yesterday while I was interviewing Bob Harper from the Biggest Loser, I discovered his #1 trick for fat loss dieting. I do NOT agree with it.
Bob says to drink a large glass of water before every meal. But honestly, that can distend your stomach and leave you bloated. I hate that feeling. Here are much better tricks for rapid fat loss dieting:
BTW, all this focus on summer nutrition fat loss plans and my #DietDepletion program have led me to become  a mad scientist in the kitchen recently. First, check out this dinner from the other night:
I know, I know, I'm a worse photographer than I am a cook, but here's what was in the giant skillet:
- 8oz chipotle marinated beef tenderloin 
- brussel sprouts
- zucchini
- mushrooms 
- onions
It was fantastic.
But the other night I cooked up something much, much crazier.
And I'll tell you all about it tomorrow (with an AMAZING photo, too).
In the meantime, just follow this simple 21 day eating trick and you'll be on your way to a flatter belly in just 3 weeks:

==> 21 Day eating trick for FAST fat loss (start using this today)

Enjoy your weekend meals,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer 
PS - My fridge is loaded with Diet Depletion-friendly foods... you'll see, it's full of fresh produce. And here's a research proven trick for you...Studies have found that people consume more of the foods that are left at eye-level in the fridge.
So if you want your family to eat healthy, put the healthy foods front-and-center, and hide the junk at the bottom and in the back. You might even forget it is there. (Or better yet, don't have it at all, of course!)
Feel free to rummage around in there and check everything out. Just make sure to put everything back where you found it, especially the cherries!

1 comment:

  1. .Studies have found that people consume more of the foods that are left at eye-level in the fridge. diet food delivery
