Sunday, July 14, 2013

Delicious Diet Depletion Dinners

What a fantastic summer weekend. Had dinner last night at a friend's place and they were really nice and cooked according to #DD for me.

2 boneless chicken thighs in curry sauce (Diet Depletion-friendly), broccoli, sautéed zucchini, mushrooms, onions, spinach and garlic, (skipped all the rice), tomato sauce, 0.5L water

Later at home I had an apple and almond butter.

This morning was a squat workout where I also tried out a few new exercises for the August TT workout of the month. These included superman planks and toes-elevated RDL's.

You'll get that workout here:

Today's brunch: Ballantyne omelet: 4 organic eggs, ½ avocado, spinach, mushrooms, & onions, cooked in coconut oil. Plus steamed broccoli with organic tomato sauce, and some kimchi. Dessert was 30 cherries, 0.5L water

Now it's beach time.

Tonight is a burger with portabella mushroom caps as the bun.

Here's the epic tale of the 5-Napkin Bunless Burger ... and Kitchen Clutz Craig Cooking

But wait, what's the deal with Diet Depletion?

The ‪#‎DietDepletion‬ challenge program shows you how to overcome eating obsessions in your life. It gives you the strength and power to go without “food crutches” and “comfort foods” for long periods. You build control, boost willpower, one day, one hour, one minute, one meal, one choice, one bite at a time.

The month-long, increasing-in-intensity Diet Depletion Challenge is fun, fast, and harnesses the power of the five pillars (planning/prep, public accountability, social support, rewards/incentives, and the deadline/call to action) for automatic success.

Learn more about the free challenge here:

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Stay strong!

"Regardless of what is going on around you, make the best of what is within your power, and take the rest as it occurs." – Epictetus

Have a great week,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

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