Tuesday, June 04, 2013

This week I'm putting together some randomly fun workouts at the Claridges' hotel here in London. The gym is quite decent, with a pullup bar, db's to 80 pounds, a cable stack, and plenty of space.

Today's workout was pullups, db shoulder press, chin-up with knee-up, pushups, face pulls, db triceps extensions on the ball, and db curls. After that it was a walk around Saville Row.

Last night's dinner was at a placed called... "Dinner". But we went to Zetter House before that, an award winning cocktail lounge. I tried a Cider Sour or something. It was wicked strong so I barely drank any of it.

Then off to Dinner. I had scallops as an app and cod as a main. Not bad, but nothing outrageous. Some of our dining partners had some interesting foods, like a meat fruit (chicken liver pate in what looked like a manderine orange - but it was made of jelly...an amazing presentation, and veal sweatbreads).

Then we went to a few other hotels and lounges. Nice night. Now off to the Dorchester Hotel for lunch and tea. Yeah, I know, but when in England...

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
In all areas of your life, share your success with others. Build others up, it will only make you more successful. If you are the one to lead and help and try to out-give the Universe, people will gravitate towards helping you in return.

Take full responsibility for your environment and behaviors. Everything you do sets you up for success or puts another obstacle in your way.

Fat loss is not much different. As I’ve said, “Fat loss is simple once you realize how hard it is.” Then you know how much effort, honesty, responsibility, long-range planning, creativity, intensity, discipline, thought and control the process is going to take. It is not easy. It is not going to happen from any magic pill. Only once you accept that will you succeed. Fat loss requires you to set up routines and stick to them. It is the creation of the routines that requires more discipline. Your workout requires intensity for maximum results. Focus on quality, not quantity. You need to integrate all aspects of your lifestyle, from diet to exercise to stress relief to social support, for maximum results. You can do it. Let TT help!

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

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