Friday, June 07, 2013

Barcelona Tour Update

Today we headed to off to Barca. Walked around the great city and had a real authentic tapas dinner with some locals.

Did a tough leg workout in the hotel gym before leaving London, and my legs were starting to feel it on the big walk home last night in Barcelona, especially as we made our way up the hill on the Ramblas. Great first night in a fantastic city. Really loved the market we stumbled across.

So what's the toughest workout you’ve ever done? For me, no offense, but it definitely wasn’t a Tough Mudder. Probably the soccer conditioning I did back when I was 18. Brutal stuff. Although Shawna Kaminski’s Burpee-Jump Rope challenge is certainly the toughest I’ve done this year. That's in the:

Workout Links:
Add in some stairs to mix up your workouts. Here's a quick 5 minute fat burning workout from CTT, Brian Kalakay, at Get Lean Training

Just posted this bodyweight workout to YouTube... if you've only got 10 minutes to burn fat, do this one

Here's a tough total body workout with an extra focus on getting ripped abs

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
So much can be accomplished with a long term vision and resilience to short term setbacks. Not every problem is conquered overnight, but if you persist and never give in, you will succeed.

If you're struggling, just do the best you can, learn from mistakes, stay strong, and remember that these positive changes are for life. There’s no going back. Every day you are getting better and better and closer and closer to the new you. Keep. On. Pushing.

And three things I'm being reminded of on my travels:
1) Nothing in your email inbox is really that important. If something was TRULY important, you'd get a phone call. So limit your email time.

2) I'm a big fan of this advice -

3) Sometimes we learn the best when we learn the hard way. So don’t be too disappointed in yourself. What’s done is done. LEARN and move on. Never forget the lesson. Keep getting better every day and never, ever, EVER give up on what is important to you.

Stay strong,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - Don't be afraid to fight like hell and never give up on what is important to you.

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