Sunday, May 19, 2013

Weird Workout

In less than 12 hours things are going to get weird.
Well, maybe not weird...but definitely different. 
I'm going to be working out with you LIVE...and you can follow-along at home. You'll get to do three of my 4-minute miracle bodyweight workouts with me, my #1 client - Catherine Gordon, and my Tough Mudder racing partner, Jeff Schneider. 
You can get FREE access to this live event PLUS another 4-minute miracle follow along workout for your abs here:
NOTE: The event is only free when it's live. It will cost you money to watch the replay. No exceptions. Sorry.
But the good news is that when you join us today, you'll get all of those workouts for free and you'll get to meet some pretty cool people from the Turbulence Training community.
(I even have a very special guest nutrition expert coming on to share his proven strategies for getting lean and ripped fast.)
Don't miss this one-of-a-kind incredibly unique event today.
This is going to be really, really cool and different.
Here's what some great TT clients are saying about these workout videos already: 
"There's no way I can go back to pdf workouts now.  With pdf workouts one feels so alone but with HWR it feels as if Craig is right there training with me. So glad I found this program, thanks guys!!!!" - Janine Holmes, South Africa

"I really like the intense, short HWR workouts. I lost about 1.5 pounds again this week. I am amazed that I am doing that and only working out for no more than 30 minutes, 3 times a week. Just goes to show how it works." - Chuck, TT Member
You're going to love the workouts too, especially because it really will be live today - and today only.
What other fitness expert brings you LIVE follow along workouts for free?
They don't even do that on the Biggest Loser. This is a game-changer.
See you in a just a few hours,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS - Can you really get a good workout in just 4 minutes?
You might be skeptical...I know I was.
So today is the perfect opportunity to test-drive the 4-minute workout system for free.
And I'll see you in a few hours with my special guests, Catherine, Jeff, and our surprise nutrition expert.

1 comment:

  1. Cool! I'll be there! I am so looking forward to this. Turbulence Training is a wonderful program and it would just be so cool to workout with the creator.
