Saturday, May 18, 2013

Exercise Rant and Habits

Beautiful day in Denver.

I went down to the hotel gym and did an MRT circuit. Tomorrow I'm doing a bunch of 4 minute workouts. Join me tomorrow for this here and we can do the workouts together:

By the way, do you agree or disagree on this Workout Equipment RANT

If you are stuck doing cardio, you're in a rut. And you need to change and build better workout habits.

Develop new, stronger habits that will allow us to reach our goals. Start by…

1) Setting deadlines for your new positive habits.
2) Making small changes every day.
3) Preparing for those days when we feel like doing the opposite of what we should be doing. … You can do it.

You can break free from your comfort zone. If you believe in yourself as much as I believe in you, you will succeed beyond your wildest dreams. It may not be easy, but you can and will do it. I’ll be right here with you every step of the way.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
Play up a level. Go deeper into the bigger circles of people that you want to be connected with. The old saying is true, "You are the average of the five people you hang around the most." And YES, people on the Internet hang around FIT people online and offline if you want to be FIT.

Do great things. Show the world that there are indeed POSITIVE people out there...that you care...that SOMEONE cares...that there is hope...that if you persist and never give up on what is important to you, that you CAN make progress...that there will be better days...that after the darkness there comes a dawn. If you do all of this, and open your heart and care for others and even support perfect strangers, your world will open up to enormous opportunity and gratitude.

Don’t hang around losers who don’t want you to succeed. Cut the cord quickly. Quick is less painful than drawing things out. Search out more positive people and experiences.

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

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