Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Time Saving Tips for Training and Work

Today I'm at a business seminar in Stamford, CT. It's the hometown of my buddy, Ryan Lee, a long time fitness and business guru. But today's seminar is with Boardroom, Inc., the big company that sells books on health and wellness. Should be fun.

In order to be on time to the seminar, I trained early (5am - although not as early as yesterday!). The workout was pulldowns, stability ball rollouts, rows, jackknives, shrugs, and bodyweight squat intervals. That was followed by my morning meditation session.

Add this conditioning change to your upper body workouts

And get a 4-minute miracle abs workout here:

It's all about saving time.

Below are my 3 best daily tricks/habits. What are yours?

1. At the end of each workday, I script out my next day of work. In 30 minute increments so I know exactly what I’ll be doing and won’t have to worry about “deciding” to work.

2. At the start of each workday, I attack the most important item on my list. Once that gets done, I’ve built up a pile of unstoppable momentum that carries me through the less important tasks. I also stay out of my email until I’ve been at work for at least 5 hours.

3. I go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. I get just under 8 hours of sleep per night and I wake up every morning feeling rested and energized. (This is an important quick-fix that can help a lot of people get more done quickly)

So each day, I exercise, manage both of my businesses, take the time to read and relax with family. I can do all that and still get plenty of sleep because I take time each day to plan my work and then I work my plan.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
Doing the right things brings you less stress and more results. It couldn’t be any simpler than that. So your job is to make the “right things” easier to do. That means staying out of environments that tempt you to make the wrong decisions. That means spending less time with the people that tempt you to make poor choices. You only have one life. It can be right and simple, or wrong and frustrating. We all know what to do…now it’s time to do it.

Your results are your responsibility…..“Take full responsibility for your actions or lack of action.” – Kekich Credo #43

And the truth about positive thinking:

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - Don’t hang around losers who don’t want you to succeed. Cut the cord quickly. Quick is less painful than drawing things out. Search out more positive people and experiences.

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