Thursday, March 21, 2013

Your Next Year as a Trainer

This is one of my favorite quotes because it is the
cold, hard TRUTH:
"You are responsible for exactly who, what, and where you are in
life. That will be just as true this time next year. Situations
aren’t important. How you react to them is
." - Kekich Credo #58
Where will you be in your personal training business next year?
What will you accomplish in the next 365 days?
Will it be the same old, same old, daily grind, more frustration and
less free time?
Or will it be a year of abundance?
If you are happy with the way things are, AWESOME. Keep it up.
But if you want things to change, let the experts show you how.
Here's what you'll learn from Gurus of Fitness Business Success:
  • Bedros Keuilian - How to get you more clients quickly and easily
  • Martin Rooney - Ultra-effective training techniques for rapid results
  • Mike Whitfield - How he went from $0 to $100,000 in under a year
  • Adam Bornstein - The fastest way to become your town's Famous Fitness Expert
And you might even get a few tips from ol' CB on how to transform your life,
create better workouts, run better bootcamps, and live the life of your dreams!

That's what you'll get at the Turbulence Training Summit this June (21-22) 
in beautiful San Diego. 
By registering as an Early Bird (Before Friday), you'll get the lower Summit
investment and you'll be added to our VIP list for the Friday night reception.
And then we'll show you how to have your best year ever!
Here's what Catherine Gordon, one of our 2012 attendees was able to do
by acting on just a FRACTION of what she learned last year:

 "This time last year, I was teaching 3 small classes a week. This week we're
doubling our floor space to accommodate the rush of new students we're
getting. I think I've followed a tenth of the marketing advice I've learned
at the summit, but what a difference. If there's any way you can be there,
don't miss it." - Catherine Gordon, Certified Turbulence Trainer
Catherine was also the winner of my 2nd TT Transformation Contest back
in 2008. So TT first helped change her health and fitness, and now it's
helping her make more money and change more lives. Incredible!

I can't wait to hear what this life-changing weekend does for you.

See you soon in San Diego,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

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