Wednesday, March 20, 2013

You are invited

Everyone loves San Diego. It's classy. It's America's Perfect Weather City.

That's why we're having our 3rd Turbulence Training Summit there in
June (the 21-22, 2013).

And YOU are invited. Our Turbulence Training team arranging for an
amazing, life-changing weekend for over 100 ELITE Trainers (you are
an Elite Trainer, right?

On Day 1, Bedros, Brian Kalakay, and I will be talking business.
There will be bootcamp workouts on the rooftop of the hotel in
the morning and a special guest reception with all the presenters
and free food in the evening.
And YES, you can earn CEU's for attending this event!

Oh, and Adam Bornstein will be there to show you how to become
"Famous in Fitness". Adam is the former editor of,
and a guy I just hired for $10,000 as a consultant for my ETR
business. He's super sharp and knows how to drive a ton of traffic
to your website...and get you into the big magazines and on the big
websites as a world-famous fitness expert
After the reception, you'll want to get some rest, because then it's...
Day 2, where high-energy trainer Martin Rooney (Training For Warriors)
will be our guest speaker and bootcamp leader.

Should be a blast...and Mikey Whitfield will be there to defend his
"Trainer of the Year" award. Who will win this year???

If you want to attend, please reserve your seat IMMEDIATELY.
Each ticket TRIPLES in price at midnight on Friday - and even though
that would still be an incredible deal for what you get, you might as
well save yourself big bucks by reserving your spot now.
I don't use the phrase "Life-Changing" lightly. Here's what one attendee,
Catherine Gordon, posted on the TT Forum the other day:
"Can't wait for the summit. I know this one will be the best
ever.  Plus, you can't beat the neighborhood for restaurants,
fun, and shopping, literally right outside the hotel door.

But more important...This time last year, I was teaching 3 small
classes a week.

This week we're doubling our floor space to accommodate the
rush of new students we're getting. I think I've followed a tenth
of the advice I've learned at last year's summit, but what a
difference it has made. If there's any way you can be there,
don't miss it.
" - Catherine Gordon, Certified Turbulence Trainer
(I'm doing my best to persuade Catherine to join us on stage and to
share some of her success tips.)
Just another reason to join us...
Once you have your spot reserved, you'll receive hotel information and
notification on where to show up for the bootcamp workouts.
If you've been to Fitness Business Summit, then picture the Turbulence
Training Summit as a much more intimate version where you'll get more
time with the Big Name speakers and a chance to meet more of your
fellow, you'll do a few TT workouts too!
See you in Classy San Diego,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Training

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