Saturday, February 23, 2013

Turbulent Trip to Tampa

Hilarious morning. Down here in St. Pete's, Florida, sitting in Joel Marion's kitchen working at 5:30am while our friend Beth bakes a birthday cake for Joel's daughter's party today.

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Beth has been up all night baking and I've been up since 4:30am writing motivational articles (even though my flight was delayed and I didn't get to sleep until nearly midnight).

Two dedicated folks on extremely different tasks.

Heading for a workout with Joel at Powerhouse Gym later.

What's your plan for the day?

Back to my time management and work schedule...

Sure enough, the old saying is true. "You plan, and God laughs". Ironically, the same day that I shared my daily habit ritual, the one where I describe my monk like, workman’s approach to the morning hours and my writing craft, a time management and sleep schedule disaster struck.

My flight down here to Tampa was delayed 4 hours, and then after 2 hours of socializing, I finally got to bed just before midnight. But I was still up at 4:30 am today - sticking to the power of habit.

It didn’t break my stride. I stuck to my plan, supported by my vision and mission, and had one of my most productive mornings of the week the next day.

I will have a nap later and get back on a regular schedule tomorrow tonight will also keep me up late.

Keep working on your habits!

Usually, here's how things go...

My day begins each morning, when I’m home in Toronto, between 3:30 and 4 a.m. I slip stealthily from under the covers and drape my feet over the edge of the bed.

Bally the Dog, alert to my slightest of movements, takes this as his cue to get up from his mat. He wanders over from the corner of the bedroom to my side for a early morning petting. I vigorously rub his back in that one area that for some reason turns his tail wagging up to a ludicrous speed. This goes on for about a minute before he turns around, plenty satisfied. Time to return to his homemade bed for another three hours of doggy dreaming.

Read the rest of the story here:


Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
“Wouldn't it be great to be gifted? In fact...It turns out that choices lead to habits. Habits become talents. Talents are labeled gifts. You're not born this way, you get this way.” – Seth Godin

“Be specific with your big goals and dreams. Set massive goals. And then add a zero to some of them.” – Bedros Keuilian

Today's Resource: A great free interview with me here on the #1 health podcast

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - The weather is great here in Tampa, but...

When it's way too cold, hot, dark, or raining outside, just train inside with me

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