Saturday, February 23, 2013

The Ten Million Transformation Mission

Yesterday morning Joel Marion and I drove from St. Petersburg over to the legendary PowerHouse Gym in Tampa, Florida. We had an amazing metabolic meathead workout (will share tomorrow).
On the drive over, Joel asked me about the future of Turbulence Training.
For the next 10 minutes I explained how my focus in 2013 focus will be on filming more follow-along workout videos (bodyweight and dumbbell). It's going to be an awesome year - so glad you are here for it.
But your success, and the future of Turbulence Training, all starts with a mission...powered by an event that happened to me at age 4.
That's right. I do what I do all because of something that happened over 33 years ago. That moment has stuck with me all these years and is driving me to help TEN Million men and women transform their lives by 2020.
Now I must apologize for two things in the video. First, the lighting isn't great (all future videos will be 10x's better!). And second, I mention a "ONE" million mission in the video...
...but just last weekend I decided to think BIGGER. I added a zero.
Turbulence Training is going to help 10 Million men and women, just like you, to get lean, look sexy, burn fat, and build muscle.
I'm dedicated to this mission. And you can help.
Thank you so much for being a part of all of this. All of your support, feedback, suggestions, and love for Bally the Dog is greatly appreciated.
We're all in this together. Turbulence Training will be with you every step, every set, and every rep of the way.
Tomorrow I'll be back with one of my most inspirational articles ever...and two workouts for you to kick-start your amazing week.
Stay strong my friend,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS - Time to celebrate...
...It's Lily Marionz 2nd birthday today. I came all the way down from Toronto for this and left Bally the Dog with a new dogsitter (he had to pass a "try-out" with them the other night...and almost failed because he was so excited...he's such a goof).

Anyways, I'm really hoping there will be pony rides at this party. We'll see.
Have a great day and I'll be back with two AWESOME workouts tomorrow.

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