Sunday, February 24, 2013

No Equipment Workout and No Dairy Diet

It will be a NO equipment bodyweight circuit for me today.

Going to get through 250 bodyweight squats, 100 cross body mountain climbers, hopefully some TRX rows, and few other moves.

(Oh, and hopefully do all of this outside in Joel Marion's backyard in the St. Pete's sunshine).

Here's another FREE no-equipment bodyweight circuit workout for you

Now Joel's is a great place to be this weekend for an outside workout. Much better than Toronto. Plus, yesterday we had a birthday party for his daughter, and yes, there was a bouncy castle and pony rides. Pretty amazing. You can see some funny photos at:


The Italian dinner feast (at Joel's house last night) was not a great place to be when you're on a gluten-free, dairy-free diet. Ha!

Birthday cake was clearly not on the menu for me.

Am I missing out?

I don't feel like it.

Others might. But I'm over it.

Fortunately I don't get crazy cravings for any foods.

Would it have been nice to have some cake? Sure. Did I still have an amazing time? Yes.

However, if I HAD eaten the cake (or the chicken parm), my fingers would have swollen up. You can read more about my "Reynaud's issue" here:

So the negatives of the bad food outweigh the positives of eating it. That's just the way it is. No big deal. There are plenty of healthy, delicious foods that I can eat. And it's easier to stay ripped and have high energy levels all the time this way.

Don't get me wrong, there are mornings that I'd love to have a bowl of cereal. But my blender drinks rock, so I'm surviving and thriving.

As for dinner last night, honestly, I wish we had went out for steak, but it just didn't turn out that way. Hopefully tonight. So that's my weekend update, hope you are enjoying yours.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Quit procrastinating. Quit spending your energy on little things. Quit letting little limitations stand in the way of BIG breakthroughs.

Stay strong and get stronger,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - Why I do what I do... 10 million mission.

Learn more here:


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