Monday, December 31, 2012

Number One Thirty Minute Workout of 2012

Happy New Year from ol' Bally the Dog and ol' CB.
We're celebrating in the big city of Toronto, but we won't be
doing 'too much' celebrating, of course, because Mr. Pooch
will want to be hitting his 6am dog walk workout.
He'll do all sorts of crazy doggy exercises and sprints in the 
fresh snow (he loves it!)...and it's amazing the workout he 
can do in 30 minutes.
And YOU can burn a lot of fat in just 30 minutes too with
You'll crank up the calorie and fat blasting with this workout
that you can do without going to an expensive BUSY gym
in the New Year. You'll get...
Workout A - The Thermogenic 30 Gauntlet SuperCircuit
Workout B - Thermogenic-30 Upper Body Density (Meatheads love this!)
Workout C - Thermogenic-30 MRT (with finishers from Whitfield)
PLUS, you'll get another workout for free "The Buff Body Workout".
And for the next few days to celebrate the New Year and your
return to fat burning, the #1 thirty minute workout program, the
TT Thermogenic 30, is just $7.
Say goodbye to training an hour a day, 6 days per week.
I'll show you why 30 minute workouts are better - and ONE 
exercise technique (used in the Thermo-30 program) that can
boost your calorie burning by THIRTY percent.
More about that research later this week...I mean, next year!
Happy New Year from ol' Bally the Dog, and everyone at 
Turbulence Training - including Lesa, Amy, Mikey "Pancakes"
Whitfield, Brian Kalakay, all of the TT Trainers around the
world, and of course, from lil' ol' me, CB!
Here's to making 2013 your BEST year ever.
You rock,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS - This is a New Year's Deal only...
Grab the #1 workout before the deal ends on Thursday.

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