Monday, December 31, 2012

Meathead New Year's Eve

Couple of nutrition updates and a meathead workout for the end of the year.

Enjoyed a great filet mignon along with broccoli, mushrooms, and onions last night. Washed down with a sweet Australian Shiraz. Literally, I noticed it was sweeter than usual. Still, it was good. And then dessert of two dates and some raw nut butter.

For my workout, I'm on a 7-day deload week and so I played around with some Meathead bodybuilding style training with cable presses, rows, curls, pressdowns, and abs. Off day tomorrow and then some light workouts. Next heavy lift is on Sunday morning for squats.

Today's after training blender drink was too thick and too sweet. Ha! LOL.

It looked like Slimer from Ghostbusters, although it tasted way better than it looked like it did in the movie.

Here's the recipe:
- 8oz (not enough!) of water
- 1/2 avocado (that was too much!)
- 6 dates (too many! LOL - you see a pattern here?)
- 2 handfuls of spinach (alas, also too much)
- 2 scoops BioTrust vanilla protein (just the right amount! for once)

had that with 2oz almonds, 1 red delicious apple, 1 spoon natural peanut butter, and 1 spoonful raw almond butter.

I'll be full for a while...till after the next dog walk at 1pm.

Off to re-start the Turbulence Training podcast with Certified Turbulence Trainer, Brian Kalakay.

Just search for Turbulence Training on Itunes.

Talk to you soon and Happy New Year!

Be safe,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

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