Tuesday, May 29, 2012

New books from CB

Bodyweight Cardio 5 with the 5 Rounds of 5 Gauntlet Workout and Bodyweight Cardio 500 is now available at www.TTMembers.com.

It's perfect timing because today is the FINAL day to join the 14th TT Transformation Contest and to be part of the 1 Million Transformation Mission. Oh, and you might win $1000 along the way. You CAN do it.
- www.TransformationContest.com

So I'm challenging you to be as healthy as possible today. To avoid all man-made foods. To do a great workout or at least stay active for 30 minutes. And to avoid as much negativity while being as positive and optimistic as possible. How could that approach possibly hurt?

BTW, here are all of my Amazon Kindle books:

1) "How to Set Goals" (4.5 stars on Amazon) and only 99 cents. Enjoy
- http://www.amazon.com/How-To-Set-Goals-ebook/dp/B007JCNNGK

2) "Time Management - How to get more done in less time":

- http://www.amazon.com/Time-Management-More-Done-ebook/dp/B007YRWGXG

3) How to Make Money on The Internet

- http://www.amazon.com/How-Make-Money-Online-ebook/dp/B0086FUH18/

4) Metabolic Resistance Training

- http://www.amazon.com/Ultimate-Metabolic-Resistance-Training-ebook/dp/B007ADF1XQ

I really enjoy publishing these and plan to create more.

Cheap too - I think they are all 99 cents.

Oh, and the reason they are only available on Kindle is because no one will give me a real book deal. Until that changes, that's the only place you can get those books. Thank you for your support.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Expect more of yourself. You have been given great talents, good energy, and plenty of opportunity. You cannot fail. You only get results. And the results will show you whether to move ahead or try something else. Do more of what works and less of what doesn't.

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

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