Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Jays Game and Meathead Training

Great times last night at the Blue Jay game. After a 35 minute bike from my house to the stadium (do I ever live far away from downtown these days), I met up with my best bud and we grabbed some decent tickets (games are still sparsely attended).

Inside we grabbed some snacks. I went with an Italian sausage and peppers (didn't eat the bun), two bags of dry-roasted peanuts, and a water. Stayed for 6 innings, watched the Jays score a bunch of runs, and then decided to split at about 9pm. Home by 9:35 and in bed by 10. Up by 4 am and back on track with writing.

Busy day today. Dog walk, workout, QnA session, and then the dentist, followed by a trip back to the farm to drop off Bally the Dog. I'm heading to NYC this weekend and he doesn't have a valid passport yet, so he has to stay home.

Today's mid-week #Meathead training: Military Press, DB Row, Pushups, Seated Row, Shrugs, Triceps

The Great Steak Recipe - DO try this at home. In your kitchen. No grilling required


How to eat for all day energy

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
TODAY is the first day of the rest of your life. So don't dwell on past mistakes because that will get you nowhere. Instead, focus on what you can and WILL do today, tomorrow, and the rest of your life, and all of the great things that will happen because of your actions. Don't wait for the 'time to be right' (i.e. until it's too late) to take action on your goals. If there's something you really want to do, then find a way to do it now.

You're as happy as you let yourself be. No one else is in control of how you view the world and your life. Your happiness is up to you.

Today's Tip:

Ballantyne's Law states: "The more technical expertise you have about such things as building websites, connecting merchant accounts to your online shopping cart, or writing computer code, etc., the LESS money you'll make on the Internet."

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer


  1. Hi Craig

    I'd rather have sent a personal email than left a blog comment but I couldn't find your email address.

    I was very impressed with the idea of the Blacksmith Camp iniative you are running with Simon and Matt and have sent an application video. I'm sure you've probably watched it by now.

    Regardless of whether I am accepted or not, health and fitness is an area I am passionate about as well. Succeeding in this area both personally and financially is something you have clearly managed.

    I'd appreciate if you could take a few moments out of your busy schedule to answer one question. You can answer by email if you prefer to What was the happiest day of your life?

    Thanks in advance

  2. Nice & informative tips for Meathead Training thanks for sharing Craig

  3. Hi Sam, please email if you have a question. thank you.
