Sunday, February 12, 2012

CB in Nicaragua

Had a smooth trip from Toronto to Miami to Nicaragua on Saturday. Two medium flights s of 3 hours each, and only a small delay getting out of Toronto due to the winter weather.

Today the journey continues. I'm going here and will post real photos soon

Until then, I have a few great nutrition and fitness articles to kick off Ballantyne's Day week. That's right, Ballantyne's Day WEEK. Take that, St. Valentine.

1) Best nutrition tip of 2012 (from Dr. John Berardi)

It also includes 7 foods and nutrition strategies I'm using these days.

2) Why some folks have a fast metabolism

3) Awesome article about Workout Finishers from Certified TT Trainer, Mike Whitfield:


And of course you get today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
"Fill your life with positive expectations. Demand the best. Attitude and desire contribute to 90% of your achievement." – Kekich Credo #86…

...Drop the negatives. Hang around positive people. And most importantly, believe in – and expect more of – yourself.

Find out what truly makes you happy but does not cost a lot of money. You shouldn't be surprised to find that it's the people, and the little things in life, that bring you the greatest joy.

I'm going to enjoy my time with really great and interesting people down here in Nicaragua, but I'd be just as happy in my backyard with ol' Bally the Dog doing some dog wrestling.

Always look on the bright side and be happy where you are.

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

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