Sunday, February 12, 2012

Brutally Honest Assessment of TT Workouts

What kind of dumb trainer writes a report card on his own workouts and gives two of them a C?

(And only one of them an A+)

I do. Me that dumb.

You can read the Ballantyne's Day TT Workout Report Card here

Each year I write one program that becomes LEGEND.

Each year has one workout that is an incredibly pleasant surprise.

And each year one program fails to meet my expectations. Ooops.
So in the spirit of the February Awards season, find out which program "won" for each of those categories.

Read the uncensored 2011 TT Workout Report Card here

I'll give you one spoiler...the April 2011 Workout won for best workout designed by two awesome and handsome bros.
Hope you are getting ready for an amazing Ballantyne's Day,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - I'm down in Nicaragua at...

...a writer's conference. So tomorrow's email will be short, but powerful. Don't miss it.

In the meantime, enjoy today's unprecedented TT Workout Report Card. You won't see any other trainer in the fitness industry with big enough Ball-antyne's to give their own workouts such an honest and brutal appraisal.

Read the full TT Workout Report Card here

PPS - So far this year... 2012, I'm five-for-five with ALL of the workouts I've created so far earning at least an A, and a couple of A+'s. Look for more great TT programs coming very, very soon.

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