Thursday, January 12, 2012

Vegas Update and LAST Chance

Live from my hotel room in Vegas where I have a really cool view of the strip, even better than the one I had at Treasure Island back in 2000 during my first trip to Vegas.

My workout today: split squats, reverse lunges, pistols, DB Rdl, back extension, leg raises, cable chops.

Dinner last night was at Grand Wok in MGM. Usually I have a big bowl of bok choy and sushi/sashimi, but last night I had bok choy and roasted duck and pork. Good stuff. One of my dinner guests was John Romaniello and we spent about 30 minutes talking about Batman movies and comics, Spartacus (the TV show), Attack of the Show, James Bond, the future of Vegas, and Harry Potter.

Great times.

TT Transformation Contest Update
Friday is the last day to enter for the full 12-weeks of the TT Transformation Contest. Grab a newspaper, take a photo, pick your workout, plan your diet, start your life-changing journey at

Get social support...we are here to help.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip
Keep a positive attitude and you will remain motivated and you will 
continue to make progress. Never, ever, EVER give up.

My favourite daily self-reflection question "Whats the benefit in doing this activity? Is it worth the time I could spend on something else"

And finally, How to Get a Better Job:

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - Give to get.

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