Thursday, January 12, 2012

Last chance to lose fat and win $1000

I really, really, really do not want you to miss out on this life changing opportunity, but...
Friday is the last day to enter for the full 12-weeks of the TT Transformation Contest.
Grab a newspaper, take a photo, pick your workout, plan your diet, and start your life-changing journey with the TT Transformation Contest.
You can win $1000 of my money just for losing your belly fat.
And it doesn't cost anything to enter...well, I guess you have to buy 
the paper for your before photo, but that's it.
Let us know how we can help, we're here to support you.
(And yes, you can use the 24-7 Fat Loss workouts to enter as well as any Turbulence Training workout.)
To your success,
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Certified Turbulence Trainer <= Discover the 1 Million Transformation Mission

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