Sunday, October 09, 2011

Meathead in Mexico

Mexico Meathead workout in the hotel gym (resort has a good gym): Overhead Press, Pullups, Cable
Lateral Raises, Bodyweight Triceps Extension (using smith machine bar), DB shrugs, cable pullover, db

Now to breakfastingz with John "Roman" Romaniello and then watching the Jets game with Roman as
well. Also sharing workouts with Adam Steer - taking him through some of the 24/7 Fat Loss
workouts from my upcoming metabolic resistance training workouts.

Today's Training Resource

A bootcamp workout from Certified Turbulence Trainer, Darragh Holland:


Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
This week…plan your days, be better prepared, know what you want to get done, prep for your
meetings, have two solutions for every obstacle in your life, identify when you work best and protect
that time, and do not let others get in your way – OWN your days.

‎'If you're doing well, send the elevator back down" - Jack Lemmon.....give others a lift up, share what
you know, be a mentor to someone who needs your help.

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Certified Turbulence Trainer

1 comment:

  1. Jimmy4:24 PM

    Craig, hope you're enjoying CancĂșn. Have you been around anything to the gyms during your trip?

    I've been trying to find a decent gym here but they are either overpriced, located too far away or don't have the right equipment (even though they say they are fully equipped).

    Would appreciate any input from an expert :)
