Saturday, October 08, 2011

Deadlift in Toronto and Swim in Mexico

That's my plan. But weather reports suggest it is raining in Cancun. We'll see in a few hours.

Today's workout: Deadlifts, rack pulls, stability ball planks. That's it. Now to the airport to flap my
wings down to Mexico. Then EPIC battles with Roman Fitness Systems. Today would be a great day for
a long kettlebell workout or strongman training outside in Toronto. Really nice Thanksgiving
weekend coming up. Hope my dog enjoys it.

Congratulations to the newest Certified Turbulence Trainer, Abby de Beer from Hong Kong. Thanks
for being part of the 1 Million Mission Abby, we appreciate your help in getting the world fit - fast.
Here's the mission Abby is a part of:


Today's Training Resource:

This is a pretty crazy program...and this is where I trained this morning -

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
It's not surprising that I get a lot of 'flack' for my rules, particularly when I travel. But it's my life. I'll
live it the way I please. Others can live their lives as they please. If we just do that, we'll all be happy
in our own way.

Today's Independence Tip:
"Seek to minimize start-up risk but have maximum upside potential." – Yanik Silver, Maverick Rule
#9....That's the beauty of a web-based can get started for almost nothing. I started
selling products through paypal, which cost me only a small fee on each sale.

Craig Ballantyne, MS, CSCS
Certified Turbulence Trainer

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