Thursday, June 23, 2011

Time is Running Out for All of Us

Funny morning out here on the farm today, where Bally the Dog and I are visiting. I got up at 5am and worked on the July issue of the TT newsletter and around about 7 Bally and I went for an extra long morning walk.

It's an off-day for me and I'll do my "Old Man Warm-up" later in the day, but our walk got off to a slow start.

Before we could get anywhere, ol' Bally the Wizard Dog had to take 2 giant poops and then he puked.

I have no idea why, and he's fine now, but he sure is a strange little animal.

Maybe another Wizard Dog put a spell on him? Not sure.

(By the way, if you're wondering why I call him Bally the Wizard Dog, it's because the new TT Gauntlet II program has a picture of Bally in a Wizard hat. Long story...has to do with a video game from 90's.)

Anyways, the one thing you MUST do today is not what Bally did...

...instead, what I want you to do is this:

"You must take action now that will move you towards your goals. Develop a sense of urgency in your life." - Les Brown

Listen, we're not getting any younger.

And every year we make resolutions that this is the year we are finally going to get back in shape, lose fat, build some muscle, get lean, and redesign our bodies.

Then come the obstacles...lack of time, not sure how to do the exercises, can't afford a gym membership, no motivation...

But enough is enough.

The time is now.

The program is here:

=> The Body Redesign Solution

You don't have to go to the gym.

You can get follow along workout and exercise instructional videos from two of the few personal trainers I trust 100%.

Adam and Ryan will motivate you to finally achieve the body you desire, and you won't have to spend a cent on equipment or on gym memberships.

In fact, their entire program is less than the price of a one month gym membership here in our small town of Stratford, Ontario.

But only for the rest of today during their 51% off sale.

So grab the Body Redesign Solution before midnight tonight

And then I'll send you a special gift, the "TT Gauntlet II" workout. Just email your receipt to:

You'll have instant access to all of these workouts so that you can start today.

You can read more about the ShapeShifter workout here:


Because if there is ONE thing you MUST do today, it's to take action towards your goals.

Time is running out for all of us,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - My friend Alwyn Cosgrove posted this today...

"If you are not making someone else's life better, then you are wasting your time. Your life will become better by making other people's lives better." - Will Smith

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