Friday, June 24, 2011

4 Things NOT to Do at the Gym

Frustrating workout at the YMCA today due to poor gym etiquette.

Listen, I get that some people want to do a "hard-core circuit" because they
think that is the best way to train.

Fine, that's cool. But you can't do the following:

a) Hog the squat rack (when there's only one) for 35 minutes.
b) Do sloppy form sets of 15 rep power cleans. Seriously, just do 3-5 QUALITY
reps instead.
c) Use two Olympic bars - one for 95 pound power cleans and one in the squat
rack for 95 pound front squats. Listen, if you can clean the 95 pounds up to
your shoulders, you don't need to be taking up the squat rack with another bar
that has the same weight on it. Think about it.
d) When I politely ask you how long you are going to be on the squat rack,
don't get mad and then exit the gym, leaving a bunch of weighted barbells and
dumbbells all over the floor. That just makes you look like a weirdo.

So again...I get it. "Hardcore" high-rep circuits are the "in thing" these
days in fitness. But don't be that guy who ruins everyone elses workout just
so you can do your sloppy, general workout that doesn't really make you better
at anything.

Now for some quality work, instead of focusing on quantity.

I'm starting up a weekly Friday Fitness Q'n'A email/blog. Here's the 1st
edtiion with info on more pullups, dealing with loose skin, and training your
back with db's at home


Someone on FB also asked: "Hi craig, bought your tt bootcamp workouts last
year, been using them with my campers, great workouts! Any recommendations on
other workout formats I can use with campers?"

This was the next program to use for trainers:


Today's Training Resource:
Nifty little KB exercise video =>

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
"If you are not making someone else's life better, then you are wasting your
time. Your life will become better by making other people's lives better." -
Will Smith……via Alwyn Cosgrove

Today's Independence Tip:

"Have you noticed how well luck and attitude go together?" – Southwest
Airlines…check out this great article on their history and culture.


Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Certified Turbulence Trainer


  1. I reckon we've all had to deal with this one. It is just like you say though, for some reason people with bad gym etiquette are very rarely actually in shape!


  2. Craig, You need to come and check out Anytime Fitness here in Stratford again. Are you around now?
