Friday, January 07, 2011

Women and Weights and Workouts

Tons of women in the weight area lifting today. Nice work. Ironically, the only overweight woman doing a useless workout was the only one with a personal trainer. He had her do cable crossovers, db chest presses, preacher curls, and concentration curls. Yes, the chest presses are fine, but the rest?


You can't make this stuff up. 2 minutes of rest between sets too. And like I said, all around him were women doing squats, deadlifts, and kb swings on their own. Crazy world...

Today's workout for ol' me:

1A) DB Incline Press
1B) Seated row

2A) Pushups
2B) DB Chest-Supported Row

3A) DB Shoulder press
3B) DBR enegade row

4A) EZ Bar Triceps
4B) DB Hammer Curls

Also lots of snow shoveling before and after.

Random workout comment:

Overuse injuries are a MUCH greater concern for the average person than "overtraining". If you train too often, you're much more likely to have a joint or muscle injury than you are to get sick or slow your results. Make sure you take this into account when you try to workout 8 days per week.

Exercise resource of the day:

The perfect workout for your Transformation (intermediate), plus #1 nutrient for fat loss, and some of the books I read in 2010

=> Transformation Workout

Nutrition Resource of the Day:

Hands-down the best FB page in the nutrition industry with a ton of online users helping one another out and resources

=> The Diet Solution on FB

And today's kick-butt mindset tip of the day:

‎"You must constantly ask yourself these questions: Who am I around? What are they doing to me? What have they got me reading? What do they have me thinking? And most important, what do they have me becoming? Then ask yourself the big question: Is that okay?" - Jim Rohn

So many great resources for you,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - For everyone new...

...and for long-time readers, here's an important reminder for this time of year

=> Diet vs Exercise

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