Saturday, January 08, 2011

How to win $1000 for losing fat

"Experience is not what happens to you. It's what you do with what happens to you. It takes a wise man to learn from his own mistakes." Kekich Credo #99

One of the most important things you can do is track your results, your workouts, and your diet.

The more you know about yourself, and the more you respond to this knowledge, the better your results will be. Start immediately.

And remember...
You are not your mistakes. Do not be too hard on yourself. If you make a mistake - and we all do - just pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and get back on track immediately. Learn from your experiences to become a better person each day.


Now one mistake I made was not writing this a lot sooner...but here are the complete instructions on what you need to do in order to be eligible to win $1000 just for losing your belly fat in the 10th Turbulence Training Body Transformation Contest...

Mandatory To Do List:

1) Once you are ready to get started take your before photo.

REMEMBER: This Saturday, Jan 15th, is the final day to get started.

2) Use Turbulence Training workouts for the next 12 weeks.

Start with the TT for Fat Loss program here.

3) Take your after photo.

4) Write your 300 word essay.

5) Send in your photos and essay before the end of the contest.

NOTE: All entries MUST be received before midnight, Saturday, April 9th.

But if you want MAXIMUM fat burning results in the 10th TT Body Transformation Contest, you should also follow this list...

Recommended To Do List:

In addition to All of the Above...

1) The majority of our past winners have started a "thread" (aka transformation journal) in the TT Member's forum where they update daily/weekly with their progress, and also ask others for help with specific questions.

(I check in on these journals as much as I can, but if you need specific workout or nutrition advice, its better to post directly in the training or nutrition forum.)

2) Research shows that posting on a regular basis helps you get more results in your weight loss program, so I encourage as much recording as possible - and that also helps you learn a lot about your body and how it responds to certain exercises, foods, programs, etc.

3) Hopefully you have time to start a journal, and I know you'll get even more out of the program when you do that.

4) Of course, you will also want to...

- Plan, shop, and prepare your meals each week

- Clean out your pantry of junk (if it's in the house you are going   to eat it, so get it out!)

- Use to find out how many calories you are eating

- Join my Facebook page for daily tips and motivation

- Listen to the Turbulence Training Podcast each week (found on and every Friday)

That's the perfect plan to lose fat, get lean, and qualify for your chance to get voted as the winner of the TT Transformation Contest.

If you have any questions, just let me know.

Looking forward to your success,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training

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