Monday, January 24, 2011

Monday Workout & Blender Drink

Hit the gym by 8am for a workout followed by an odd - but good - blender drink.


1A) Bench
1B) Seated Row

2A) Pushups
2B) BB Row

3A) EZ Bar Triceps
3B) DB Hammer Curls
3C) Tubing external rotations
3D) Rear delt raises

And if you've ever wondered why I design my workouts like I do (and I know that keeps you up at night), here's an article on workout design with a focus on the best exercise order:


Blender drink: 1 frozen banana, lots of blueberries, broccoli, almond milk, some organic whey protein (forget the brand). You can't taste the broccoli, but you sure can feel it - its like super-pulp orange juice.

Now my nutrition is not always perfect, as yesterday those chocolate-covered almonds proved the #1 rule about nutrition...if it's in the house, you're going to eat it. But hey, they weren't going to eat themselves!

Today's kickbutt mindset tip comes from an article in Rotman magazine (a business magazine), but it applies to all goals:

"Achievement has everything to do with creating a failure-resistant brain and thinking your way to can take charge of the process...Winner's brains actually operate differently than the average brain." - Mark Fenske, neuroscientist

And here's a bonus quote:

"Throw away the hate and do something creative." – Sonny Moore

Have a big week,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS 

PS - Last call for the "favorite fitness apps" survey...

...what are you using for Blackberry, Iphone/Ipad, and Droids? Lots of votes for Gymboss, LoseIt, DailyBurn, SparkPeople, and MyNetDiary so far...what else is out there?

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