Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Funny Maxima Car Breakdown Stories

Rough weekend here at TT headquarters.

My car broke down, not once, but twice this weekend, and I'm out a couple grand in repairs and towing fees. Unexpected expenses are always a pain.

But you win from my misfortune.

I figured I could make this a win-win situation for the both of us, by extending the offer on the TT 1-Year Platinum Membership

You'll save over $200 and get access to ALL of the TT workouts I've ever created PLUS every TT workout I create in 2011 here:

Save $200 and get all of the TT Fat Loss workouts here
But I'm just leaving that up until Wednesday night. That's it.

Now here's the full funny story about the weekend breakdowns of my ol' '97 Maxima:

There I was Friday afternoon, zooming from Toronto to my parent's farm out in the country, when I realized there was something wrong with the clutch.

I had noticed the problem before, but I really thought Maxima had enough in her to make it home. And I would have made it if it wasn't for this meddling hill on the highway.

There I was cruising along at 55mph, imploring ol' Maxima to hold it together for just another 30 miles.

As we climbed that hill the speed went down and the RPM's went up.

"C'mon baby", I whispered to it, "one more ride just like old times".

She gave me all she could, but when we hit the top of that hill she was could no longer even give me 30 miles per hour. And the speed kept dropping till she could go no more.

Time for the tow truck.

So I rode up front, and poor ol' Bally had to ride in the towed car, all by himself, for 30 miles back to the garage near home.

But I wasn't giving up on Maxima for good. No way. Heck, I have plans to take her to 250,000 miles and 20 years old.

After she got all fixed up, I picked her up on Saturday morning, brought her home, and left her outside in the cold. And cold it was. Dropped all the way down to -25 degrees Celcius (-13 Farenheit).

As you can imagine, that wasn't good...and so she wouldn't start all day Sunday.

Finally got a boost today, had the battery checked, and found out she needed a new one. So more repairs, more expenses.

Now I know what you're thinking.

"Silly Canuck, why don't you just buy a new car?"

Well, there are several reasons...

First, it's not really my car anymore - its the dog's. And there's no point in getting a new car with the way he treats the back seat.

Second reason: What, and give up adventures like this weekend?

And third, I drive about 3000 miles per year...so a car is a waste of money to me. No point in having a new $20,000 grocery cart.

Oh, and then there would be no reason to have this sale and give you the best ever deal on full access to all of the TT fat loss programs:

=> Get full access to all workouts plus everything coming in 2011 here

Maxima and I look forward to helping you for many more years,


Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training

PS - You also get access to the TT Member's forum...

...where you can ask me all of your diet and exercise questions.

Get instant access here <== And remember, sale ends Wednesday night
...then the price goes back up to $297.

1 comment:

  1. That's really funny. I really enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing it!
