Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Bodyweight Cardio Workout

No workout for me today, just did an extra long dog walk with more technical difficulty than normal. Lots of snowbanks were climbed.

Now, if you're stuck at home this week, snowed in, or just want to save some trees by not driving to the gym? Do this TT bodyweight cardio workout at home

=> Bodyweight Cardio Workout

Also, it is time for a serious message.

WARNING: To all those folks that are planning a killer extreme 7-day per week program on January 1st. Do NOT forget that your DIET is more important than your training for fat loss. Let the diet do the work while you train smart. As odd as this sounds, there aren't too many things more damaging to a good diet than being injured. When you're hurt and can't exercise, people ditch the diet pretty quick. Be smart.

So here's the 21-day"getting started" plan you need for fat loss

=> 21-Day Fat Loss Guide

And today's kick-butt mindset tip is a nice nod to personal responsibility, which I strongly believe in:

"If I dont succeed, its my own fault" - Jeff Sica, quoted in the movie 'Strong'.

Get strong,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS 

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