Monday, December 27, 2010

Avoid the Cardio Confessional

You'll never need to use the Cardio Confessional's why. 

Friday morning, Dec. 24th, I stepped on the scale at the local YMCA and weighed 174 lbs.

Two days of eating later, I go back for my first post-Christmas workout (a real killer - 10-minute squats plus abs - watch for the exact routine in the TT Workout of the Month for February).

I weigh myself again: 171.5 lbs.

I "lost" 2.5 pounds while eating everything I could.

Of course, I never "really" trust the scale...but I'm telling you, there's something about the Turbulence Training lifestyle that allows you to enjoy food, life, and being lean...without EVER having to get on the "Cardio Confessional".

That's my term for people who think that an hour of cardio will make up for the previous day's dietary indiscretions. But nothing can be further from the truth. It's the BIGGEST cardio mistake.

For the next two months, millions of bloated men and women will be stepping on stairmasters, mounting elliptical machines, and parking their butts on bikes for hours while repenting their sinful Christmas time indulgences and other holiday feast transgressions.

Unfortunately, they will do all this with little return for the investment of their time.

Heck, even scientific research proves that they are wasting their time.

First, from Australia, a study shows us that long, slow, boring cardio didn't help one group of subjects lose fat, while another group was able to burn a lot of belly fat with interval training.

(Oh, and the interval training group didn't change their bad diets, either. So they lost fat just with interval training.)

And second, an American study showed that doing 300 hours of cardio in a year led to less than 6 pounds of fat loss in men and women.

So to sum up the research (and what YOU know to be true)...

- The cardio confessional is a waste of time.

- A mindset that involves "exercise as punishment for overeating" is unhealthy and ineffective.

- Interval training burns belly fat.

- Resistance training is the only way to build muscle and burn fat at the same time.

- Short burst Turbulence Training workouts (combining intervals and resistance training) are the best way to lose your belly fat and sculpt a sexy body.

- The interval training workouts you'll find on pages 36-39 of the Turbulence Training for Fat Loss manual will help you burn belly fat in only a few minutes per session.

Click here to get started with Turbulence Training for Fat Loss during this week's 50% off sale - found only on this special page:

=> Turbulence Training Deal for You

Get with the program,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training


  1. Nice one Craig - when are people going to learn about cardio... Do recommend intervals if you're happy with your bodyfat and overall fitness levels? I find that doing the supersets, the way you structure them has massively improved my cardiovascular fitness. Also, you seem to be getting lighter. Don't know if you want to comment, but is that due to a change in training, diet, mindset, a more plant based diet, etc. - just curious.

    Keep up the awesome work Craig!

    ps. lame orgasm guy was in my gym last week - incline dumbell press with 35s for 12-15reps - not just the last few reps, but every one was orgasmic. Oh man, can't figure that one out - pretty sure that's not going to get chicks though... very disturbing.

  2. Brian Maffucci10:05 PM


    I have definitely noticed that your weight can fluctuate about 5lbs based on time of day, bowel movements, and how much you have eaten/drank. Love all the info on avoiding cardio and sticking to bodyweight and resistance training. And just something that I have noticed, if your workout allows you to read a book/magazine, it is probably not a beneficial workout. I keep seeing people on the "cardio" machines reading or holding a conversation to the person next to them....seems to be a waste of time! Thanks for all the great info.

