Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Twinkie Diets and Clean Eating?

Warning: What you are about to read are my politically incorrect, cheeky opinions on popular diets. If you are easily offended, you'll want to skip this email. But if you have a sense of humor, you'll enjoy it and you're my type of person - please read on.

Now on with the show.

Alright, let's get started with the truth about the Twinkie Diet and Clean Eating.

Twinkies up first.

Hopefully you've heard about the American professor who went on a "junk-food" Twinkie diet to lose weight.

A lot of people are upset about this diet. But you shouldn't be.

In my opinion, this diet is like the "Jackass" movie of the nutrition world. Or if you prefer, the "pro wrestling" of the nutrition world.

It's entertainment and it's something that you do NOT try at home.

That simple.

It also proves a point, and that is how
calorie intake DOES have a LOT to do with weight loss - despite what some gurus might say.

Bottom Line: An interesting exercise, but still nothing to "get your long johns all bunched up aboot, eh?", as we say here in Canada.

But seriously, don't eat the Twinkie diet.

We all know that, right?

You shouldn't eat Twinkies everyday, BUT once per week it is fine and even helpful to enjoy your favorite foods using a "Cheat" plan.

Next, let's discuss the poorly named...

"Clean Eating Diet."

So what's my problem with "Clean Eating"?

Well, most importantly, no one really agrees on what the heck "Clean Eating" really means.

Clean eating is about as well defined as "social drinking".

Now some folks can define social drinking as having one glass of wine with dinner while others will say that having 15 beers while watching a football game.

That's about how consistent the definition of "clean eating" is.

After all, in the 1990's, "clean eating" was defined as chicken breasts and white rice in a Tupperware container. Or worse, CANS of tuna and white rice in a Tupperware container (
washed down with a diet coke, of course).

And nowadays what does clean eating mean?

I don't know! No one does.
Maybe it means eating meat...maybe it means not eating meat.
To some it means eating others, it means avoiding grains as though your life depended on it.
So who's right? It's very confusing when the rules are so rigid.
Maybe it means cooking a hot dog at home in a sanitary kitchen rather than ordering a hot dog from a street vendor. Is that "clean eating"?

If I drop my apple on the floor, but then I wash it before I eat it, is that "clean eating"?

Is eating a balanced breakfast of whole-grain cheerios, skim milk, orange juice, and peanut butter on whole-wheat toast a good example of clean eating? (Some nutritionists would say it is.) 
And who gets to decide the final definition of clean eating?

Bodybuilders? Vegetarians? This year's winner of the Biggest Loser? A dietician educated in the 1980's? A cute Chocolate Lab named Bally? Who I ask, who?!?!

So you know what clean eating REALLY is?

A random phrase that means nothing.

Say goodbye to clean eating and hello to simple nutrition with planned cheats and treats.

Take it from Bally the Dog...

He sticks to whole, natural foods, mostly meat and some fruits and vegetables. He currently uses Acana Grasslands dog food containing 60% premium animal ingredients (nice wording!), 40% regional fruits and vegetables, and is 100% grain-free.
Of course, Bally also likes a few cheats and treats now and then, followed by a good belly rub. And you can learn how to incorporate cheats and treats (minus the belly rubs) here:

=> Holiday Cheats Diet
On the bright side, even though you don't get a belly rub from me, you'll get 16 TT workouts as my gift to you. Just contact us for those at "turbulencetraininghelp AT"

Thank you so much for reading,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - But there is some "bad news"...

If you wait till tomorrow, the price of Joel's Complete Holiday Fat Loss System DOUBLES. Uh oh. And the 16 bonus TT workouts go away. Double uh oh. So get in today:

=>  Get the Cheat Diet & 16 (YES, 16!) TT Workouts here <== Ends today


  1. Joel's system is amazing!


  2. I recently started working out to workout routines that help me burn fat and lose weight. No reason to go on a twinkie diet here.
