Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Truth About "Random" Workouts

This is week 3 of my current 4 week program. I am on a 4-day per week program, and I change my workouts every 4 weeks.

Today's workout:

1A) Depth Jumps
1B) Box Squats

2A) DB Step-ups
2B) Glute-Ham Raises

Started with an extensive warm-up. Off day tomorrow. Heading to Kentucky to visit Holly and Pat Rigsby, and their boys Tyler and lil' Alex. Just a day
trip, so it will be bourbon-free.

Anyone else training today? What program you using?

If you aren't on a structured program, I urge you to re-think your decision.

Take a look at what legendary trainer Alwyn Cosgrove has to say:

"Trainers and coaches who aren't confident in ability, will just try to hammer the client every session - doing random stuff, just hard all the time. There's no skill in that approach. Smart trainers build progression into programming & are more concerned with their clients progressing and getting results than just hammering them all the time. Fatigue & soreness are not indicators of progress."

Get more wisdom from Alwyn here:


And one more resource for you today:

Someone asked about a pre-interval/sprints's the video for that

=> Interval Training Warm-up

Finally, today's kick-butt mindset tip:

For the best life, find people you like to be around, choose a form of work you truly enjoy doing – rather than dreading – and have as much fun as possible while creating a lasting legacy.

Get stronger,


PS - Believe it or not...

...there is a Spanish version of TT out there, and we have a Fanpage here:




  1. I agree with this. As a trainer I have a plan. I want my clients to get results. I change it up every 3 weeks plus every day or visit is different.


  2. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Didn't have time for a long workout, so took about 10 minutes and did 3 sets of high rep deadlifts with 30 second intervals with a jump rope. Thought my heart was going to come out of my chest I was breathing so hard.

  3. I agree with you that structured workout programs offer the best chance of positive results, rather than throwing together any group of exercises. I suggest heading over to Fit Click and customizing your own workout routine so you can start seeing results from your efforts.
