Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Meatheads 4x4

4 days. 4 exercises.

The TT Meatheads 4x4 program to build muscle and burn fat at the same time.

Ah yes, another Meathead Workout.

This time my “Meathead” client requested shorter workouts (because it was the summer time and he wanted to strut his meathead stuff on the party scene).
So I gave him just 4 exercises per workout (sticking with the best basics) and I added in the option for him to do one of four "conditioning/interval/ab" workouts at the end of the resistance training workouts if he had time.

If you’re into fast workouts muscle building, you can skip the additional conditioning components.
On the other hand, if you want to try and gain muscle while burning more belly fat at the same time, use both the 4x4 muscle building basics and the 4 conditioning workouts as outlined in this program.

You’re going to have a blast with this program,