Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Transformation Tuesdays

On my TT Facebook page, I'm starting a new feature - Transformation Tuesdays. Every Tuesday I'll share a powerful Transformation Success Story with you.

Today, I want you to meet my friend Molly from South Carolina, who I met last January at Transformation Domination. Molly changed her life and because of her success is now a Personal Trainer helping others.

=> Click here to read Molly's powerful transformation story

Also on the TT Fanpage, we have a contest every Monday...and this week I was giving away a set of TT for Abs DVDS to the person who posted the best fat loss tip.

And so here's our Contest Winner!!! - Congratulations to Ruth Rochelle Moreno for her winning entry.

Ruth's winning tip: "Write down everything you eat so you can become aware of what's going in your body and can change your intake to suit your goals."

Thanks Ruth!

Now on to my workout...first time through this program so I held back a bit.

1A) Stickups
1B) Kneeling MB Chest Pass
1C) Cable Rotator Cuff

2A) Bench press (3x3)
2B) T-bar row (3x12)

3A) Ring dips
3B) Cable Rear Delts

4A) Chinups
4B) Decline pushups

And today's kick-butt mindset tip:

‎"The opposite of winning isn't losing, its quitting."
Scott Sonnen

You can't quit. You just can't. Doesn't matter how hard of a day yesterday was, or how hard today will be. Quitting is not an option.

Stay strong,


PS - You are NOT too old.

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget about "What a bad idea yesterday was" Wednesdays...
