Thursday, August 26, 2010

Turbulence Training Travel Report - Lose Fat While Traveling

Finally Free Fitness/Fat Loss Fridays: Installment #2

This week you get my BRAND NEW free report on "How to Get Lean and Stay Lean While Traveling". Download it here:


In addition to over a dozen super-cool photos of Joel Marion's wedding, my trip to Lithuania, and hiking in Poland, you'll also get:

1) My Top 10 Fat Loss Travel Secrets

2) Simple workout tricks you can use to burn fat in even the worst gyms

3) How to prepare properly so you can lose fat on the road

4) The #1 Factor for Success (even more important than diet or exercise)

5) The right meals to eat - even in AIRPORTS - to lose fat while traveling

6) A story about John Romaniello working out in his underwear with TT

7) Plus cool travel stories from Chicago, Florida, Lithuania, and Poland!

Just go to this website to download the travel report for free:


Enjoy this "Finally Free Friday" giveaway!

Now to go plan next week's Finally Free Friday giveaway...gotta think of something to make for you...

Have a great weekend,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training

PS - Don't miss...

- The #1 Factor in Travel Fat Loss on page 12
- The "Ultimate Business Dinner Strategy" on page 8
- Or the best travel nutrition eating routine on pages 5 through 8

Just go to this website to download the travel report for free:




  1. Craig - don't know if anyone else is having this issue, but because I'm already on your email list I can't get past the landing page for the special report. When I enter my email address I get a message that says I'm already on the list.


  2. Jeff, did you get this to work? That should not have happened.

  3. Anonymous5:14 AM

    I can't get past the landing page for the special report. When I enter my email address I get a message that says I'm already on the list.
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