Thursday, August 26, 2010

8th Turbulence Training Transformation Contest Winners

8th TT Transformation Contest Winners (Includes under 40 women, over 40 women, under 40 men, and over 40 men)...

Congratulations to everyone!!!


I am very proud of everyone. Thank you so much for your efforts.

And I look forward to seeing you continue your journey in Contest #9!

Women Under 40
1st - Deena
2nd - Molly
3rd - Shanda

Women OVER 40
1st - Naomi
2nd - Melody
3rd - Sadie

Men Under 40
1st - Vegas Jay
2nd - Ion
3rd - Matty G

Men OVER 40
1st - Mark
2nd - Charles
3rd - Andrew Larmer

Thank you!

And here's a quick message I sent to everyone who has EVER transformed their body...

Hey, I just wanted to drop you a note to clarify something...

...something you probably didn't realize was true...

...and that is this:

You probably don't understand how powerful of an impact your transformation is having on people you've never met...on people in far off countries who have been telling themselves for months and years that "they can't do it".

But then they see your results.

They see you, a mom with 3 kids and a full-time job and they see the changes you have made...

Or they see you, a full time dad with no social support from friends or family, and they see your results...

Or they see you, a woman with every obstacle in her way - from genetics to lack of time to dietary struggles - and they see your changes...

Or they see you, a guy who had previously left himself go for 5, 10, 15, or even 20 years before finally saying that "Enough is enough"...and then they see your results...


So you don't understand...

You are helping THOUSANDS - literally thousands - of men and women just like you who are out there struggling with weight and you are helping them with
the motivation, courage, inspiration and knowledge that they need to help them change their lives.

But I'm worried that you didn't know this...

and so I just wanted to make sure you knew.

You are changing lives. Every day.

It's amazing.

From Catherine and Robyn, two of our legendary Transformation pioneers, to Naomi and Charles and Ion and Deena and EVERYONE who entered the most recent contest...

You are now ROCKSTAR SUPERSTARS in the eyes of people from Vancouver to Sydney, from New York to Dubai, from London to Buenes Aires, and from Toronto to Thailand.

And I want to thank you for that.

I mean I can't thank you enough. And that is no exaggeration.

So isn't it cool now that you know this now?

I hope you feel as good as I do, knowing that your stories of triumphs and tribulations are not just there to show the world how powerful YOU are, but to show the world and all TT readers how powerful THEY can be too.

Thank you.

You rock.



  1. Aaron7:37 AM

    Hi Craig: Is it a dumb idea to enter the contest with the main goal of gaining muscle versus losing a lot of fat?

  2. You can do that. Just make sure you use the correct workouts, like TT meatheads!
