Thursday, August 19, 2010

Link to Bill Phillips interview

Finally! I just finished up a very cool interview with fitness legend, Bill Phillips, about his new book Transformation.

So that's Gift #1 for you.

Discover the 10 questions I asked Bill Phillips and get a link to the replay of the free interview here:

=> Bill Phillips Transformation Interview

By the way, I would love to hear from you about what question YOU would have asked Bill Phillips if you were on the phone with him.

Please post your question on my blog here:


Gift #2 is for the ladies:

It includes 5 tips for female fat loss and a sample bodyweight workout here:


And Gift #3 is for the men:

This features a sample meal plan and muscle building, fat burning workout here:


Enjoy this "free stuff Friday".

I'll do this again next then I should have the Fat Loss Travel Report all finished up.


Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training


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