Thursday, August 19, 2010

Back on Track in Toronto

Okay, back on track here in Toronto. Got home yesterday afternoon around 5. Feeling good and enjoying the regular routine, but also really enjoyed my time in Europe. I kind of like that time zone...behind Asia, but ahead of EST, and almost flip-flopped from my west coast friends.

Anyways, the dog was super happy to see me, but he has an ear infection again. So we'll hit the vet tomorrow.

My training today was reduced in intensity and volume...I'm going to go one more week on this program (giving me 5 weeks instead of the regular 4):

1A) Box jumps
1B) Box squats

2A) good morning
2B) plank

3A) glute ham raise
3B) split squat.

Feel free to let me know what your training looks like today.

Also had a blender drink: strawberries, raspberries, spinach, almond milk, peanut butter, walnuts, and cacao nibs. And yes, I have no bananas.

Today's resources:

1) A good beginner workout here for new folks

=> Beginner Abs Workout

2) And advanced interview on bodyweight training

=> TACFIT interview with Scott Sonnon

Finally, 2 kick-butt mindset tips to get you fired up:

1) "Why do people do what they do? Because they can. For the most part, people will get away with whatever they can if there are no consequences. Consequences control behavior."
Larry Winget

2) "If you want to change yourself, you need to change the things you do." - Troy, a TT Member, posted this on the forum.

Powerful stuff,



  1. Aaron8:04 PM

    I am currently in phase 4 of Ferruggia's 3XM and loving it. Thanks for letting me know about his stuff.

  2. Thanks for the update Aaron, great to hear you like it.


  3. Back into the gym after a 4 week vacation break (during which I did 9 days of fighting and some RKB workouts). It is good to be doing TT again and listening to your podcasts on my iPod.
    Welcome back to Hogtown.

  4. Great to hear from you Andrew, hope you enjoyed your time off
