Thursday, August 05, 2010

Chicago Travel Update

No workout for me on Wednesday, but here's how the day went...

5am - Got up extra hour early to walk and stretch. Dreamt I was fighting a cat, so I was happy for the early wakeup.

7am - blender drink: almond milk, 1 frozen banana, blueberries, spinach, raw almond butter, pecans. 1 apple.

8am - airport and flight to chicago... water and almonds on plane

11am - Checked in at hotel and realized I forgot my acuball...better not forget it on 2nd leg of trip when I go to Europe.  

12 - Wrigley field...lunch at Harry Carey's...managed to have a big salad of greens and tomato plus a grass-fed burger plus one beer. Lunch wasn't perfect, but if you were traveling on a fat loss plan, that would be fine because the meal was still under 900 calories. Not perfect, but the grass fed burger would have passed the Isabel De Los Rios/Mike Geary nutrition

1- fell alseep at game for 5 minutes

3- Drank only water at game

4 - left cubs game.

5 - Afternoon snack of raw dates and almonds and water

7 - dinner at C-House restaurant... 

Summer vegetable soup, one slice bread, pasta with vegetables and ricotta cheese, one mashed potato donut hole and a serving of blueberries. No booze, drank lots of sparkling water. 

Fancy restaurants are good because youget small portions...much better than gorging at Morton's Steakhouse.  


Deadlift workout tonight,



  1. Craig,

    Question, I have been using TT for about a year and a half. I have made really good gains. But lately, wanted to gain some muscle and I know you can with your program(s) but I want to know which program you suggest, Jason Ferrugia's 3XM or MGS. I value your opinion and trying to break through my current plateau. I want to be as strong and athletic as possible. I want the statue of David look but less naked. Thanks, for your help.

  2. If you want to gain more than 5 pounds, go with MGS. If less, stick with Triple Threat and do the conditioning.
