Thursday, August 05, 2010


Got home from Chicago at 7pm, trained at 8pm tonight, and now time to get ready for 9am flight to Tampa Bay.

It's not normal for me to train so late...still, decent workout:

1) Hang Cleans

2) Deadlifts

3A) BB Lunges
Glute-ham raises.

That was all.

Now packing for 12 day trip starting with Tampa Bay tomorrow. going to try and make it to the awesome Powerhouse gym they have there.


1) Meathead fat loss workout for you

=> Classic TT Gain Muscle-Fat Loss Workouts

2) Five unique interval training methods

=> The TT Interval Training Report

3) If you're struggling with nutrition, please read this recent interview I did that shows a simple system to get started eating better

=> Beginner Nutrition Tips

And finally, the kick-butt mindset tip of the day:

‎"The best way to break an old habit is to replace it with a new one...and reinforce it a lot." - Aubrey Daniels

Stay strong,
