Wednesday, July 07, 2010

So I stuck a bag of ice down my pants

My right glute (aka "butt cheek") felt a little weird after my workout, so I decided to put some ice on it.

The Workout:

1A) Jumps
1B) D

2A) 1-leg squats
Glute ham raise

3A) Shrugs
3B) Stability Ball Plank

Hopefully the glute is fine...but I'll be following these tips for a speedy recovery

=> How to recover faster from muscle injury

Speaking of recovery, I get a lot of post-workout nutrition questions, so I did an interview with Isabel De Los Rios about it here:

=> Isabel's post workout nutrition tips

And finally, I held a really cool contest on the Turbulence Training Fanpage asking to hear your top inspirational quotes, and we received over 300 entries! Very cool. However, I had to pick only 3 as our winners, and here they are:  

(NOTE: We run contests every week on the Fanpage and give away cool prizes, including 1-year Platinum TT Memberships.)
Winner #1 - Matt Rinaldi
"Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength."

Winner #2 - Conred Rodrigues
"It is never too late to be what you might have been." - George Eliot

Winner #3 - Elizabeth Hicks
"Why are you going to choose failure, when success is an option?" - Jillian Michaels

Thanks so much to everyone!!!

Stay strong,


1 comment:

  1. Some nice knowledge and sayings there - especially number 3.

    I'm always amazed how people choose to fail when success is perfectly achievable, state of mind really does matter when it comes to getting a little fitter and losing some weight.
