Thursday, July 08, 2010

Football Field & Upper Body Workouts

Just added the "TT Football Field 444" program to is a Platinum Members-only program. Pretty cool stuff.

My training today included several of the exercises that you'll see in the program, that you can do by attaching Blast Straps or TRX straps to soccer or football posts.

1A) Overhead squats
1B) Ring rear delt raises

2A) Rack lockouts
2B) Ring inverted row

3A) Ring dips
3B) Ring bodyweight triceps extensions

And today's kickbutt mindset tip:

"If you have a problem with _____, do something about it. It doesn't matter how big the ____ problem is, you can take action on fixing it today. Send an email to a friend asking for help with ___. Search the internet for solutions to _____. Or get off Facebook, and go fix your ____ problem in the real world. No matter what, there is no excuse to not work on fixing your ____ problem today."

Alright, now I'm off to the airport...heading to California for the weekend. Today's in flight reading material will be: "Viral Loop", "Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs", and "Bringing out the best in people".

I also just got a kindle, but I can't figure out how to get the book inside it.

Oh well,


PS - I wrote two books this morning:

First, my fat loss book:

"Don’t be lazy. Don’t overeat. Don’t make excuses. The end."

And second, my time management book:

"Chapter 1 - Stop looking for tips on time management. Chapter 2 - Do something."

As you can see, they are very short books.

1 comment:

  1. Please tell me you did those kind of exercises BEFORE you read the book... :)
