Saturday, July 31, 2010

Off Day Activity

Off day today...but with lots of light activity.

First, 2 dog walks. Then a bike ride to the St. Lawrence market. I bought corn on the cob, peaches, cherries, and spinach. Then I slipped down to the gym to do some stretching. I could have done it at home, but the dog would have been jumping all over me...

I also used the foam roller for a little soft tissue work. Here's how to use a foam roller to help you stay injury free

=> How to do foam rolling

And this is a good beginners workout to get started with

=> Beginner Abs & Fat Loss Workout

Finally, 4 out of 5 swimming dogs say, "Bodyweight Cardio Rulez"

=> Bodyweight Cardio Rulez

...(the 5th dog just barked).

Now off to the beach to take the dog swimming,


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